About Me

Thanks for checking out the site.  A little bit about me, I’m the co-owner of Sleepy Paws Pet Care with my wife Kim.  During the past 10 years, we have built the business, we have made lots of mistakes but had lots of success as well.  I’ve also had the chance to network with lots of other pet care professionals and have seen firsthand the need for guidance for newcomers to the business.  There are plenty of dogs and cats to go around and we as professionals, should all work together to grow our businesses.  That’s why I’ve created Pet Care Rock Stars, a complete solution for pet care professionals to start, grow and scale their business.  



In addition to the Pet Care Rock Stars podcast, I hosted the podcast New and Noteworthy with Dave Westwood which featured up-and-coming podcasters.  

When I’m not focusing on business, I’m spending time with my family and playing softball.  Way too much softball!

# of places I've lived

# of podcasts I've hosted

# of wings I can eat on my own


% of time I fail to get to the gym


  Contact Me


More Info

Address: 890 My Street #12
My City, My State 65432

Phone: 123.4567.890

Business Hours: 8a-6:30p M-F, 9a-2p S-S

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